Anthropomorphic Jar, A.D. 900-1400. Chancay Culture Peru, Painted earthenware: 7" x 5". Gift of Mr. And Mrs. James H. Durgan in Memory of her mother, Cecile Sonnentheil Halff.

A.D. 900-A.D. 1400

he Chancay culture was a Late Intermediate Period kingdom on the central coast of Peru that like other coastal cultures built extensive canal irrigation systems. Ceremonial centers with large pyramids were also built by the Chancay, but methods of construction suggest a simpler level of state organization than other coastal cultures. The Chancay excelled in weaving, featherworking, and engraving gourds, but the technical quality of their ceramics was rather crude. Thin-walled and porous wares were typically covered with a gritty white slip and featured simple black-painted designs.


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Early Horizon

Early Intermediate

Middle Horizon

Late Intermediate

The Inca